
LogMeIn Hamachi² is a hosted VPN service that securely connects devices and networks, extending LAN-like network connectivity to mobile users, distributed teams, playing LAN game and business applications. You can easily create secure virtual networks on demand, across public and private networks.

Luckily there are free version of Hamachi for non-commercial user.
  • The free version of LogMeIn Hamachi² can be used 100% free for non-commercial use and is limited to 16 computers.
  • Non-commercial use is defined as individuals using the product for personal use, such as a gaming or family network, and non-profit institutions (as defined by the IRS as a 501c corporation or similarly situated international non-profits).
  • The free version may be used for a limited 14-day evaluation period in a commercial environment. However, it is not licensed for use within for-profit businesses, government institutions (federal, state, local), educational institutions (including universities and state or local school systems), and any individuals using Hamachi² on behalf of such entities or institutions.
  • Prior to subscribing to the Hamachi² free version, you will be asked to verify you are using it for non-commercial purposes.


Enjoy! Click on my ads if you want to thx. Thank you!

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